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Pinterest for Photographers

Abstract 3D waves in pastel colors

Social media is one of the best ways for photographers to reach a wider audience and build a community of engaged followers. However, before you create a Pinterest account to showcase your professional images or photography classes, it’s important to understand a few of the key nuances of Pinterest.

Tip #1: Pinterest isn’t like Instagram; it’s a visual search engine with its own rules of optimization that can’t be overlooked. On average, users mainly engage with the first 60 pins in search results. Content beyond that doesn’t get much attention.

Tip #2: One of the strengths of Pinterest is that a well-placed pin can generate traffic for up to 6 months or even 2-3 years. Users also use Google image search, where Pinterest often dominates certain queries.

Tip #3: Pay attention to Pinterest’s unique timing. For example, if you’re planning to offer a holiday discount, it’s a good idea to post the pin at least 4-6 weeks before the holiday season starts, which is around September.

Tip #4: Unlike Instagram, the number of followers you have on Pinterest is not as important.

Tip #5: Being consistent when it comes to posting on Pinterest is key. For example, posting three pins a week on specific days, such as Tuesday, Monday, and Friday, is a good practice.

Tip #6: Pinterest likes to see fresh content. Unlike Instagram, where you can repost, Pinterest only encourages new pins.

Before creating your Pinterest account, evaluate your resources. While Pinterest and Instagram may seem similar, they are different channels with their own ranking factors and criteria.

To be successful on Pinterest, you’ll need to create a lot of new content. This platform is an excellent source of traffic for photographers who also offer additional content such as blogs and courses.

However, if your resources are limited, consider focusing on one channel. Based on our experience, we recommend that photographers prioritize their Instagram account to promote their art.

To save hours of research and determine if Pinterest is the right channel for you, fill out the form to receive expert guidance and insights tailored to your photography goals.


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